Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fantastic movie..

date : 10-05-08
time : 0017
mood : unexpectedly happy..hehe

juz reach home...and i watched the "Iron Man".... it was a fabulous movie that you worth you to watch for the 2nd time...

1- the graphic was cool
( well...althou few part it was animated, it was so damn amazing, expecially when he's wearing the suit.:p)

2- not-bad aka interesting storyline
( well, basically i was reading some comment, and i just came across this.. storyline is about Stark, weapon manufacturer for his nation, weapon reached to others nation side, he build this suit and try to distroy them..end up become hero for saving the day)

(another side is mentionning about same, he manufacture weapon, weapon being misused, try to destroy it... end up become hero of the day)

it depends on your judgement guysz^^

interesting movie worth to watch...below is a few of it's short clip.

yea..sometimes you will imagine...if you can be like the Iron Man, flying? think it's impossible? think twice for future.

watch this.

have a fun night dreaming of flying^^

signing off.